The Pharmacy Technician Society
Published: February 6, 2024

Rebecca Ohrmund


Rebecca Ohrmund, CPhT-Adv, BS

Rebecca Ohrmund

Pharmacy Technician Specialist
Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital
Lake Forest, IL


Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB)

Number of Years at Organization

8.5 Years

Why did you become a pharmacy technician?

Initially it was just a job, however I found that being a pharmacy technician was my calling. I have worked in many different settings. I have learned so many things about pharmacy and how patients need help when navigating not only pharmacy, but healthcare. I am proud to be a part of that journey and to assist patients.

How long have you been practicing?

21 years

What are you most proud of in your professional career?

Being awarded the Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists (ICHP) Presidents Award at our annual meeting. I am the first technician in the history of ICHP to receive this award!

What is your most memorable experience as a pharmacy technician?

I have had many memorable moments being a technician but my most memorable is when I’ve seen a technician getting involved in organizations, taking an active role in their learning, and going above and beyond to help new techs that we all once were really is the most memorable for me.

Why did you become certified?

Aside from it being required by my employer, I became certified to show that I have advanced skills as a pharmacy technician. I continued that education and skill enhancement when I began getting the credentials that PTCB offered. Once I had enough, I was able to become an advanced certified pharmacy technician. I know that it may not be recognized by all organizations right now but I fully believe that it will mean something in the future and so I continue to learn everything that I can.

What career advice do you have for others interested in becoming a Pharmacy Technician?

Learn everything you can. Don’t do the bare minimum when doing continuing education but be willing to continually learn something new... even clinical knowledge which is often overlooked by technicians.