The Pharmacy Technician Society
Published: February 6, 2024

Mileena Kendall


Mileena Kendall, CPhT, CSPT

Mileena Kendall

Operations Lead Pharmacy Technician
WVU Medicine, Ruby Memorial
Morgantown, WV


Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB)

Number of Years at Organization

8 Years

Why did you become a pharmacy technician?

I became a pharmacy technician to help serve my community in a more "behind the scenes" role. I wanted to help but couldn't bring myself to learn how to take blood or give vaccines.

How long have you been practicing?

I have been practicing for eight years and have worked in both sterile and nonsterile settings.

What are you most proud of in your professional career?

I am most proud of my recent promotion to the position of lead technician. Before and after being promoted to lead technician, I’ve had a role in training others in both sterile and nonsterile compounding. I really enjoy being able to interact with new employees and new technicians. I live for that "aha!" moment when you can tell it really "clicked" for that person.

What is your most memorable experience as a pharmacy technician?

My most memorable experience is a tale of teamwork at its greatest. The TPN [total parenteral nutrition] compounding machine at our facility was not functioning. After a few hours of trying to fix the machine, the call was made to compound TPNs manually. Our entire department chipped in to get all 25 TPNs compounded, checked, and delivered to our patients safely and on time. As the TPN technician at the time, this teamwork has made a lasting impression on me and guides me in my practice to this day.

Why did you become certified?

I got certified about eight years ago. I acquired my certified compounded sterile preparation technician (CSPT) credential about two years ago and I am working towards my CPhT-Adv.

What career advice do you have for others interested in becoming a Pharmacy Technician?

My advice is to always remember the patient and keep a positive attitude.