The Pharmacy Technician Society
Published: June 21, 2024

Kimerly Metcalf


Kimerly Metcalf, CPhT-Adv

Kimerly Metcalf

Advanced Certified Pharmacy Technician
CVS Inside Target
Cedar Falls, IA


Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB)

Number of Years at Organization

15 Years

Why did you become a pharmacy technician?

I became a pharmacy technician to help patients in the community setting stay healthy, while trying to reduce their prescription costs. For example, I make sure to apply a discount card for cash-paying customers. For my littlest patients, if it is unlikely they will take their oral medication, I ask the pharmacist if a flavoring (we use FLAVORx) would be appropriate to increase the odds of the patients finishing their medication course.

How long have you been practicing?

I have been practicing for 13 years. I started training in 2011 and became certified in 2012.

What are you most proud of in your professional career?

Becoming the first Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) technician in Iowa to obtain the Advanced Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT-Adv) credential in 2020.

What is your most memorable experience as a pharmacy technician?

My most memorable experience was when a guest needed her medication but was unable to find a ride to my community location. After discussing it with my manager, I delivered it to her on my way home from work. The smile that came across her face when she got her necessary night medication was priceless. She thanked me several times over, wished me safety on my way home, and said that my reward would be awaiting me in heaven.

Why did you become certified?

It is required by my state.

What career advice do you have for others interested in becoming a Pharmacy Technician?

Ask as many questions as you can. Start studying for the certification exam as soon as possible, even if it is for only a few minutes a day.