The Pharmacy Technician Society
Published: November 26, 2024

Clint Kantor


Clint Kantor, CPhT

Clint Kantor

Pharmacy Training and Development Specialist
Boston Medical Center
Needham Heights, MA


Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB)

Number of Years at Organization

5 Years

Why did you become a pharmacy technician?

I was given the opportunity by my employer at the time.

How long have you been practicing?

Twenty-three years (2001-present)

What are you most proud of in your professional career?

Successful mentorship of my colleagues.

What is your most memorable experience as a pharmacy technician?

Being selected and trained for my local biochemical attack emergency response team (CVS 2002), being part of my pharmacy's public outreach campaign in helping patients learn about Medicare Part D when it launched (Walgreens 2006) and helping triage refrigerated/frozen items during both a power outage (Rite Aid 2017) and a tornado (Rite Aid 2018).

Why did you become certified?

To demonstrate to the pharmacists that I would be assisting that I was competent and trustworthy.

What career advice do you have for others interested in becoming a Pharmacy Technician?

Maintain a vision for your future.