The Pharmacy Technician Society
Published: April 30, 2024

Amanda Leiman


Amanda Leiman, CPhT

Amanda Leiman

Medication Safety Lead Technician
Advocate Health
Milwaukee, WI


Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB)

Number of Years at Organization

4 Years

Why did you become a pharmacy technician?

When I first applied to my local CVS at age 16, I did not know I was going to be a pharmacy technician. They asked if I wanted to work in the pharmacy and I said, "I didn't go to school for that!" They said they would teach me on the job, and I was up for it. Little did I know it would lead to a lifetime career opportunity.

How long have you been practicing?

20 Years

What are you most proud of in your professional career?

My personal life has taken many unexpected turns, but I have always been able to grow professionally in my pharmacy career. From my start in community pharmacy, transitioning to roles within hospital and mail order pharmacy, then venturing into teaching pharmacy technician courses, followed by assuming the position of pharmacy business manager, and now in my current role focused on medication safety, I have found and forged my own path of expanded technician roles.

What is your most memorable experience as a pharmacy technician?

Last year at the ASHP Summer meetings (now ASHP Pharmacy Futures), I had the opportunity to listen to speaker RaDonda Vaught and hear her perspective on the Vanderbilt medication event. In my role as a medication safety technician, I had previously read about and studied the event. However, listening to her account and speaking with her in person was very impactful. I think about her often, as well as all nurses and pharmacy teammates, as I evaluate safety events at my own organization and think about how to make our systems safer, thereby preventing harm to our patients.

Why did you become certified?

I became certified as a pharmacy technician to help improve my knowledge and skills. Studying for my national certification exam helped to expand my drug knowledge, math skills, and more. In addition to my CPhT, I also obtained my Medication Safety Certificate from ASHP in March of 2022. Advanced certifications that are applicable to your role are excellent ways to grow your skills as a technician.

What career advice do you have for others interested in becoming a Pharmacy Technician?

Becoming a pharmacy technician is a great career choice! There are so many different career paths you can take. Find what you love and continually seek out ways to learn and grow within your role. Get paired with a mentor and continually ask for feedback.