Become A Tech - TPTS
Pharmacy Technician

Certification and Credentialing

Britney Scharmann
Brittney scharman, cpht-adv

On Being a Certified Pharmacy Technician

I stay certified as a way to have employers, coworkers, and patients feel confident in me as a healthcare professional.


Find a Training Program

Choosing a technician training program is an important first step to becoming a technician. When you find a program that appeals to you, check out its website, schedule an in-person visit, and ask questions about financial aid, jobs, and the experience of current students. If possible, talk to graduates to get their perspective too.

Training Program Directory
Pharmacy Technician Certification

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Make a meaningful impact on the profession and further your career with TPTS membership. Connect with a network of thousands of like-minded individuals and contribute to a shared vision of elevating technician careers and advancing healthcare. Take the first step: Join now and let TPTS help you reach your full potential.