Pharmacy Technician Careers

For Supervisors


For Supervisors

For supervisors in search of valuable assets to improve recruitment and retention of pharmacy technicians, while also providing support for technicians in their pursuit of advanced roles and training.

Advanced Pharmacy Technician Roles

Advanced pharmacy technician roles involve responsibilities and tasks that go beyond the traditional duties of a standard pharmacy technician. These roles require a higher level of training, expertise, and often additional certifications.

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Advanced Pharmacy Technician Toolkits

View advanced pharmacy technician toolkits to assist you in developing advanced pharmacy technician roles at your institution.

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Group Purchase

Group Membership 

TPTS, in partnership with ASHP, is a leader in advancing the role of pharmacy technicians and recognizing their vital contributions to enhance the patient care efforts of the pharmacy team.  Group technician membership is open to all organizations regardless of the size of their pharmacy technician workforce. 


PharmTech Ready®  

PharmTech Ready® is a comprehensive online technician training program developed to address the current technician workforce shortage, a top priority for pharmacy leaders nationwide. 

Pharmacy technicians are crucial members of the healthcare team, and their importance and impact on contemporary practice continues to grow. Efficient and highly skilled pharmacy technicians are essential for patient safety; however, finding affordable quality training can be challenging. PharmTech Ready® is an affordable, scalable and customizable resource that directly addresses the most common technician training challenges. 


ASHP Competency Assessment Centers

Manage and monitor competency completion among pharmacy technicians and pharmacists with ASHP’s Competency Assessment Centers. Developed by a team of more than 90 experts from around the country—leaders in their fields—ASHP’s competency management training provides comprehensive learning objectives, study tools and assessments online, making it easier for you to onboard and train new staff, and ensure competency among existing staff.

Pharmacy Competence Assessment Center

Become a Member Today

Make a meaningful impact on the profession and further your career with TPTS membership. Connect with a network of thousands of like-minded individuals and contribute to a shared vision of elevating technician careers and advancing healthcare. Take the first step: Join now and let TPTS help you reach your full potential. 


The Pharmacy Technician SocietySM(TPTS) is supported by ASHP  
While we maintain a close affiliation with ASHP, which serves as the supporting organization for our endeavors, we want to assure you that our commitment remains steadfast in representing our technician membership independently. We are dedicated to providing information, content, and services that benefit technicians in all areas of practice. You may encounter links or references leading to ASHP's website during your visit to this website; rest assured that our foremost aim is to serve your needs and interests, and ASHP provides a framework for us to do so.  ASHP resources serve as additional services for your benefit, in addition to TPTS resources.